I asked at the Magistrates' court if the Council Tax court/hearing was criminal or civil and he said they are 'private'. He added that he shouldn't have said it. He also said this is a non-CPS court. Basically, these are private prosecutions mounted by the council corporations. My neighbour used to work for two separate councils. He said they were nothing more than collections agents for government, that the monies went to central government, were not ring fenced and that they never received all the monies collected for the council, back to the council coffers. Many councils no longer have bank accounts and all the bank accounts are controlled by the government.

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Local Authorities have been raising taxes and fines recently to support terrorism and a terrorist attack on the people - NET ZERO is a Political agenda from the hoax CO2 Global warming to cause detriment and environmental harm from 5G LED Low emission zone LASER and RADAR microware radiation emitting weapons increasing temp across cities, an extermination agenda connected to the injecting of a bio chemical weapon Nano meta material track trace termination technology and the application of a COVID 19 PCR neural antenna weapon designed to control sickness and death. All part of the CO2 Reduction agenda.

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My sons friends dad, Is a recently retired Judge. I may ask him to have a look.

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Peacekeepers (Marc Horn) and others are currently in legal proceedings challenging the lawfulness of Council Tax.

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You have answered your own questions, council tax is an elaborate scam,as is our entire governance.

You can withhold payment for various reasons but cannot refuse payment as then by default you have admitted the debt exists and you are liable.

The big problem is we live in a lawless state so "might is right".

The justice system advises people to plead guilty even when no real crime has been committed, on pleading guilty the crime (that didn't exist) comes into being🙂🙃 this is how people get jailed for thought crimes.

The whole ststem is a scam and we legitimise it through the "act" of voting🇬🇧🍻


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Cause of the Poll tax riots, it was never written into Law. They just pushed it from poll to council tax. The Sort/Account code is HMRC if you look it up. Then the councils apply for funding from Govt. The councils are Private Limited Companies set up at Companies House and this is how you go about re-writing your 'contract'. Non-payment is their bread and butter and they hire a room at magistrates and pretend to prosecute. Nobody has been to prison for non-payment, again its a fraud, scare tactic.

A61 of MC1215 Sacked Parly Courts Monarchy and Commonwealth by petiton of barrons 23.3.2001 cause the Queen committed Treason giving EU Treaty Royal assent. They set up shell companies instead. Announcement made in Times and Guardian. You're from legal, so trained not to believe in Constutional Law, so you wont believe it but its the reason for EVERYTHING.. The Great Reset CBDC's One World Order

There is no rule of Law cause The Law is Sacked until the people seek redress...

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Hi Claire

How much approximately do you think it would cost to get a real judge to look at that question?

And do you think it a worthy enough objective to perhaps initiate a crowd funder to actually do just that?

Thanks 🙏

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Alot. Maybe £70k. Maybe more. And we have to consider whether any successful judgement would be allowed to be public. We also have to consider that what I have written is crap and not right. Which is why we need lots of brains on this. To pick it apart and if it can't be picked apart to then decide what to do

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Peacekeepers (Marc Horn) has done that exact thing. He's due a judgment this week and whatever it says (likely against him) he's taking it to the High Court and if unsuccessful, all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

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You need to get hold of Richard Vobes who has interviewed people about this. Here is a link to one interview and I've watched some of it. There us another interview with the sane guy (I'm sure its him) where he discovers the court is a council run court, he mentions that in this video. That's how they get around the system if civil and criminal


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Has anyone looked into what, if any effect the 1972 European Communities Act has on any taxes that were created or levied under it when it was in effect? There is a statement in there that would seem to preclude the creation of any new tax or increasing the amount of any existing one.

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The route to not paying council tax lawfully and legally is:

1) Realise that the judge issuing the warrant also needs to hear the case and they do not so that is a breach of civil procedure rules making the order void from the outset and provable under case law.

2) Take the matter to Crown court using an equitable instrument (like a registered trade name) and using solicitors for document exchange and trust law put the council tax bill in trust and make the council CEO and CFO the beneficiary.

3) Ensure the Crown Court judge (in equity - which you don't get in the lower courts) orders future payments for council tax to be offset against the outstanding fees from the trust.

It's 9th on my list of apps. I doubt I'll get to it because I don't think people will be brave enough and just keep paying rather than learn how to rise about it. Namaste.

It's true that the court is not a court it's a private hearing that's why no recording. There is not case file meaning no case exits. The only way they can commit you is if you agree to pay it and then don't that's contempt and that's how they can imprison you.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

What are your thoughts on the implications of the 1972 European Communities Act Schedule 2 1a?


Provisions as to Subordinate Legislation

1(1)The powers conferred by section 2(2) of this Act to make provision for the purposes mentioned in section 2(2)(a) and (b) shall not include power—

(a) to make any provision imposing or increasing taxation ; or

Surely this precludes the levying of any new tax while this was in place? This would certainly cover the period in which the LGFA 1992 was introduced, which seems to be where councils point to to indicate their authority in the area of council tax. Not to mention the others you have mentioned in your article.

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"The primary piece of legislation governing council tax is of course the Local Government Finance Act 1992, but there is also the Local Government Finance Act 2012 , the Local Government Act 2003, the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 and the Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992, (CTAER) all of which have a bearing on nonpayment cases, (and do also be aware that there are even more regulations which relate to council tax disregards, exemptions and reductions)."

"Nevertheless, the CTAER may be of particular interest to anyone looking at this topic, as it covers the administration and enforcement of council tax, including the issuance of demand notices, collection of payments, and enforcement actions such as liability orders and attachment of earnings orders."

The rabbit hole goes even further down here in that I understand that liability orders were done away with 1st October 2003 . So even the administration and enforcement is being carried out illegally, as they are relying on what must be false liability orders (or summary warrants in Scotland) as they technically no longer exist as a legal instrument, leading to a misrepresentation of court authority when it is really the councils driving the process. They are therefore also committing fraud on top of everything else.

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Trespass on person used to be called personage and it was a criminal offence before the repealed it in1967? For a liability to exist there must be an agreement between two parties, usually a wet ink signature a meeting of the minds etc etc. And the definition of person is from the Interpretation Act 1889 "In this Act and in every Act passed after the commencement of this Act the expression "person" shall, unless the contrary intention appears, include any body of persons corporate or unincorporate" [1] https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1889/63/enacted 24 September 2024

What follows the word includes is included anything not included is excluded by default. I don't see the terms natural person or men and women included therefore they are excluded. It's computer programmers logic. I think the nine elements of fraud are easily satisfied by a council tax bill and their refusal to answer the simple subject access request of what does the term "liable person" mean and how have you determined me to be so?

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The way to beat the council is to change jurisdiction at land registry. Universal community trust has a jurisdiction 😉

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Can you explain this further?

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Allodial title is otherwise known as Title Absolute and it exists outside the jurisdiction of the feudal tenure system we've had since William the Bastard imposed it, which purports to make all other title holders tenants of the crown. But that only happens in reality now when the section for local authority on an AP1 or TR1 form is filled with the name of the borough council, an agent of the crown.

So when property or land is owned outright with no encumbrances, the local authority can be removed by filling an AP1 application to Land Registry and replacing it with the Trust/organisation/person as the local authority, under the long established laws of manorial estates. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/change-the-register-ap1

No one would pay council tax if the local authority was not automatically put down as the local council upon registration at Land Registry, all done without consent by the conveyancing solicitor.


This is the very reason why bird flu policies did not affect game shooting on private estates. Lord Farquaad simply puts himself as the local authority! This is how the moneyed aristocracy operates so this process simply cannot be denied.

Changing the Jurisdiction [UCT option making use of our natural law jurisdiction created by the Treaty of Universal Community Trust]

1. Family forms their private living family trust and joins UCT.

2. Family changes the named title at land registry. Trusts cannot be named as legal title owners - it can only be done by naming the individuals concerned and writing Trustee of [Family Trust name] after their name. So essentially the land is granted into a private living trust, which has all the concerned and affected parties as beneficiaries.

3. Using the AP1 form the local authority can be replaced with UCT.

4. For businesses it would require completing the Articles of Association form which notifies trading standards that you are no longer being governed by the Companies Act but are instead operating under UCT jurisdiction.

5. HMRC need to know that the company is no longer domiciled in UK for tax purposes.

This is the way to remove the jurisdiction of the crown when there are no encumbrances on land/property, therefore removing all the crippling legislation.

Therefore farmers/property owners would not have to pay tax on produce sold within their own boundaries, including any other tax, which also naturally means doing EVERYTHING on the farms own terms with NO interference. NO testing for fake lurgies with the choice to slaughter animals on site etc etc.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

Ah, I see; thank you. I have heard of the Allodial Title route before, although I had not previously been given as much detail about it as you have here. Apparently this approach does not apply or work in Scotland however, as I understand it. Perhaps that might be something to do with Scotland managing its own land registry. I would also imagine it won't work unless you own the property outright (i.e. no mortgage). I would be interested in finding out more about the business side of this though, as not being domiciled in the UK for tax purposes sounds like it could be handy.

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