The mere fact that someone in government can sign 100 year agreement is absurd on its face. This is the level of arrogance only someone in possession of unlawful power can exhibit. The presumption that our descendants in 100 years, or even in 50 years ... or even in 10 years, will care about maintaining this kind of relationship between these two countries borders with delusion of grandeur.

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I agree Pav, which is why I wonder whether this is also a vehicle for the further stripping of our rights, under the guise of an emergency - Ukraine 'being invaded' , - or 'Europe being invaded'. Wherever we see a 'crisis' - just as in Covid era - we see our rights further disappear

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Yes, likely. I'm, however, more inclined to accept the fact that the current policymakers are nothing more than puppets in the hands of multi-generational dynasties who rule the world and do their scheming in terms of centuries, not decades or years. Just like the policymakers of 100 years ago enacted laws whose true purpose only now becomes obvious to many. A great example is the overhaul (or shall we say overthrow) of the medical industry by Rockefeller in early 20th century.

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It will help with justifying the collapse of England ,we did it to save UKraine , a bit like liking taking the clotshot to save granny🛟👇👍

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I have no other means of getting in touch with you personally- so I’m using replies to put this out: on your Telegram channel I was disturbed to see the article from the DT being misrepresented

“Pensions savings to be spent on rearming Britain in defence push”

The text below the headline pictured was completely different to that which the DT published. I’m a DT subscriber and the version I saw was different- suggesting that the picture posted on your telegram channel was manipulated and was a fear-stoker. The article itself on DT app/web talks about reallocating pension funds to include more investment in defence funds. Not quite the scare story that your telegram post suggests

We all in the truther movement must take care not to spread fear (the cabals tactic) by manipulating msm stories

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And could a political party offer an alternative policy to that established here with the Ukraine?

If section 7 could be used to limit or shut down public discourse (“criticism”) about this agreement, could it also be used to prevent parties from making manifesto pledges to end the agreement?

I mean, it’s pretty good right? Pass a law, or sign some agreement and within either, you ALSO include something to help prevent it being unwound by rival political parties. Is this a new development or something that has always been used?

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Have you see this ? https://youtu.be/SzBYBJvqY-o?si=653gppn7hv4hw-p-

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Thanks Martin I've shared on our Telegram channel

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Although recently retired, at no time have I wanted to emigrate more than now. Roger Scruton expressed it far better than I.

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There is just too much corruption to allow Parliament to continue.. this is just one disgusting 'treaty' they're enforcing upon us. We're taxed to the hilt, bills out of control, stealing farmers land, giving taxpayers money to mega-corps, Pakistani Rape Gangs, illegal immigrants flooding in, with the Home Office and Serco doing it. The assisted murder bill, another online Bill being sneaked through.

It's all too much to fight and the authorities are fully assisting them. The Ukraine/EU is what Mandy and Brown and co have always wanted, child trafficking across the bloc, no borders

The Lords sacked Monarchy, Parliament, Courts and Commonwealth Countries by petition on Queen after 40 days 23.3.2001. But they are all Corporations now instead and everything else is shadow govt illusion. They are DIGITAL POUND FOUNDATION LIMITED reg companies house since 2021. Also they have no authority from God as The Stone of Destiny is fake so Elizabeth committed Treason by signing the Oath. Tony Blair suspended death penalty for Treason but could not abolish it as it is Constitutional Law. Stands above Parliament. Look upher Oath, its been doctored. So no Royal Assent has been given since 1951


Labour also stole the election via Blairs Postal Vote Fraud system. We will never have fair election and all elections are null and void til the people seek redress. WE WILL NEVER WIN AS LONG AS PARLIAMENT IS IN CONTROL AND THEY ARE MURDERING US.


It's why Charles snnounced Great Reset and put up the clock for 2030. Who does 100yr deals? Jews do. Starmer is Jewish so is Zelenskyy and Putin. Why are they twinning 100 schools with Ukraine. Child trafficking? You won't hear a Christian or God thing from any of them

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I suspect the whole 100-year agreement thing is more to do with Starmer strutting the world stage with his bestie, Zelensky, and sticking it to nasty Putin and nasty Trump whilst stealing a march on those continental neighbours. The fact that it includes vaguely worded possibly nefarious clauses which could be used against us at later dates probably wasn't considered very important. It will be a treaty/agreement which will have no future impact because, when Zelensky is "disappeared" and his replacement does a deal with Trump and Putin, what is left of the Ukraine will simply sink back into a corrupt backwater. (And then, in 80 years' time, some nasty tinpot dictator will discover there is a treaty which allows them to arrest British citizens for being rude about an oblast somewhere out in Russia. Or some nasty tinpot dictator will use it to arrest Ukrainian citizens for being rude about some pirate island off the coast of France!)

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State of emergency🤔

War economy🤔

Next hundred years🤔

C19 , state of emergency= no rights, no freedom of thought and clot shots for all🥳

Not difficult to see the direction of travel☠️👍

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What ever happens to a Parliament cannot bind a future Parliament?

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