Bovaer Free Dairy Suppliers
After weeks of contacting various dairies and suppliers I am satisfied with only 37 replies which are listed in this article
I've spent almost 3 weeks contacting over 130 dairy suppliers/brands about the BOVAER issue. I've finally got a list of 37 safe, (currently), brands/dairies. That's how many replied to my satisfaction. I've put all the details of the same in a database with notes etc. After trying to figure out the best way to share this, (I'm not a tech genius), I have used Datawrapper to visulaise my database and allow me to insert it into this article as a table. It is below. Please use the bar at the bottom of the table to scroll across to see all details, as the chart is large so not all details appear without scrolling.
Before you reach the table, a few points that are noteworthy and which I shared on our Telegram channel today.
This exercise has been a complete minefield! For instance, I have not included Rachel's yoghurt as Rachel's were bought out by Lactalis a while ago, and Lactalis have a joint venture with Nestle, who have declared full support for methane reducing feed in their food products, (see below).
The same with Yeo Valley. Arla acquired Yeo Valley dairies in 2018. Yeo Valley are therefore intrinsically linked to Arla financially and therefore their products do not make the list, despite some being (supposedly) "organic". I won't support any supporter of experimentation on cows and humans!
Note - "the Yeo Valley yogurt, ice cream, cream and desserts business will continue to be run independently through Yeo Valley Group, which remains under the ownership of the Mead family". "The transaction will give [Arla] the rights to use the Yeo Valley brand in milk, butter, spreads and cheese under an intellectual property licence with Yeo Valley". More details here.
Also, Danone are not included for the reason below:
In 2018, Danone's international brands included:Â Activia, Actimel, Alpro, Oikos, Aptamil, Danette (Danet in some regions), Danimals, Danio, Dannon, Danonino, Evian, Nutricia, Volvic
I'm not sure if they have any more brands because I didn't bother looking into them any further once I saw the Bovaer trial. Do remember though that they had a scandal with their Aptamil baby milk making babies ill. Funnily enough this was in 2018, and of course they started their Bovaer trial in 2018! Perhaps just a coincidence?
Also, note that “The Bel Group, Danone, General Mills, Kraft Heinz, Lactalis USA, and Nestlé joined with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) to create the Dairy Methane Action Alliance (DMAA), which has committed to help reduce and account for the methane emissions in their dairy supply chains". My advice - Boycott. Avoid. Dump. I have more on the "Environmental Defence Fund" coming soon......
Finally, I would remind everyone that methane reducing feed is completely unnecessary. Cows are not causing climate change. Neither are humans. Adding a chemical feed to cows diets, that fundamentally changes the way they process grass, is both cruel and ridiculous. We do not know what the long term effect on the cows will be, nor how it might harm their microbiome. And we do not know the long term effect on humans and the wider environment. This issue is just one more hideous experiment that is making a few people a vast amount of money at the expense of the rest of us.
Given all of the above, below is the table that I have created. I will update it as I go along and just republish every now and again. Remember - scroll across the table for all details - scroll bar is at the bottom of the table. And, before you go through the below, please read this disclaimer carefully.
This supplier list, compiled by Lawyers of Light, is accurate as of 19th December 2024. However, as with law, in the commercial context, producers and companies can change quickly. Therefore, please do not rely on this list as indefinitely accurate. Regularly check in with producers and suppliers to confirm that they remain Bovaer-free and do not use other methane-reducing feed. Each individual is personally responsible for their own due diligence and their own health and well-being. Consequently, Lawyers of Light and the administrators of that Telegram channel accept no responsibility or liability, legal or otherwise, for your reliance on any of the suppliers listed, or for any inaccuracies in the details provided. Always ensure you verify what you are purchasing rather than relying on others to do so for you.
My previous article containing information on Bovaer can be found below